Turkish Journal of Electrical
Power and Energy Systems

A Survey on Recent Developments of Islanding Detection Techniques


Department of Electrical Engineering, National Institute of Technology Patna, Ashok Rajpath, Bihar, India

Turkish Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems 2021; 1: 42-53
DOI: 10.5152/tepes.2021.21012
Read: 1921 Downloads: 979 Published: 30 April 2021

Nowadays, the power distribution system comprises distributed generators (DGs) that provide low-cost electricity and have fewer adverse environmental consequences. In some situations, these DGs continue to supply the nearby loads owing to line outage and system separations creating islands. This causes unacceptable power quality conditions. If this is not detected, it may harm the load. This type of islanding may also occur in the transmission lines because of stability issues caused by transmission line outage. If this is not detected at an early stage, the entire system may collapse. Harmful islanding needs to be detected and addressed. This study describes several recent methods and standards related to islanding detection. The acceptable voltage and frequency range, testing conditions, and maximum islanding detection time are mentioned in the IEEE1547, UL1741, and IEEE929 standards. The detection algorithms can be active, passive, hybrid, and communication based. These algorithms have been discussed in detail in this article.

Cite this article as: Kumar D. A Survey on Recent Developments of Islanding Detection Techniques. Turk J Electr Power Energy Syst, 2021; 1(1): 42-53. 

EISSN 2791-6049