Hyperloop technology, introduced in 2013, is a revolutionary transportation concept designed to achieve near-supersonic speeds of approximately 1220 km/h for long-distance travel. The key factor enabling the Hyperloop capsule to reach such high speeds is that the system is exposed to minimal friction. This study focuses on the design of an electrodynamic suspension disc for the levitation system of a Hyperloop capsule to be used in the Hyperloop Development Competition hosted by The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Türkiye (TUBITAK) Rail Transportation Technologies Institute (RUTE). The levitation system utilizes a high-speed rotating permanent magnet to generate magnetic forces that lift and stabilize the capsule above the rail. Following the completion of the analytical design, the system was simulated using the finite element method in ANSYS Electronics Desktop, and necessary geometric and electrical optimizations were performed based on the simulation results. Finally, the system was implemented, and the experimental results were analyzed to validate the design.