Turkish Journal of Electrical
Power and Energy Systems
Research Article

Variable Feed-In Tariff Algorithm for Renewable Energy in Smart Grids


Konya Technical University, Konya, Turkey

Turkish Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems 2023; 3: 140-145
DOI: 10.5152/tepes.2023.23022
Read: 1108 Downloads: 481 Published: 19 October 2023

In today’s world, new solutions are constantly needed to meet the ever-increasing energy demand. One of the methods of meeting energy needs is to support renewable energy. In order to support renewable energy, globally accepted feed-in tariff (FiT) applications are used effectively. Feed-in tariff support policies differs from country to country. With the continued development of smart grid infrastructures, it has become necessary to reorganize renewable energy support policies. The determined conditions of the FiT application completely affect the renewable energy investments and productions in that region. Turkey has a number of economic and geographical advantages, the majority of which are renewable energy resources. Over the last decade, Turkey has made significant progress in renewable energy development and manufacture. The relevant legislation to renewable energy has been improved. Many studies have been conducted on the use of smart grids to increase energy efficiency and to obtain electrical power systems that provide different opportunities to users. In this study, a new variable FiT algorithm has been developed. The aim of this new variable support mechanism is to provide more benefits for both the investor and the electric power system of renewable energy investments. The results obtained with the proposed algorithm are explained. With this algorithm, the importance of more accurate planning and investment has been tried to be revealed.

Cite this article as: N. Çetinkaya, “Variable feed-in tariff algorithm for renewable energy in smart grids,” Turk J Electr Power Energy Syst., 2023; 3(3), 140-145.

EISSN 2791-6049